Tools For Health And Healing God’s Way


Jumpstart your health and new life with this book of truth and knowledge about getting healthy God’s way.

  • Learn the golden rules for a healthy diet and how you can quickly turn your health around.
  • Get an in depth explanation of the dangers of foods and additives most people consume everyday.
  • Learn how to lose weight the healthy way. Get the keys to keeping your metabolism running smoothly.


Tools For Health And Healing God’s Way is reforming the lives of people all over the globe. Learn how to eat, when to eat and what to eat. Learn how modern medicine validates ancient diets. Find out how cancer cells develop and how to beat them. Discover the benefits of the PETEGAT diet as Dr. Dail busts a few myths regarding vegetarianism. Jump start your new way of eating with his delicious PETEGAT recipes. Get some important drug facts and the truth about vaccines and so much more!


“Dear Dr. Dail, Thank you so much for saving my life. I was in bad health when I first started your program. My liver, kidney, red blood cells, white blood cells, eyes, lungs, knees, feet, and ears were operating on low. The only good thing was my cholesterol. I do not know why it was good. My blood sugar was 252. Today I am much better; and all of my problems cleared up”
– Loraine Williams
“After following Dr. James Dail’s advice, I went to my doctor for a check up in July of 2008. Everything checked out normal including my A1C test on my glucose level and blood pressure reading. My doctor said a couple of times that I was a success story. Not many people will follow the instructions given to them from health practitioners; and because I followed the instructions, I am now called a success story. I am free from diabetes and no longer need medication.”
– Bishop Edwin J. Derensbourg, III


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